Immovable Property Loan

    1. This is one unique loan schemes, Loan cum Overdraft.
    2. Similar to Immovable Property Loan
    3. Additional facility in this Loan Scheme is Overdraft Facility.
    4. Once the Loan is availed by the member, Receipt and Payment transaction can be done number of times, maintaining minimum balance of EMI amount every month in the account.
    5. Processing charges, minimum shares, share fees, Legal Fees are applicable as per the Sahakari Guidelines.
    6. Rate of Interest is 13.00% P.A.
    7. Penal Interest is 2.00%
    8. 0.50% to 1.00% Interest Rebate is available if the CIBIL Rate is more than 750, with good credit history.
    9. Loan Limit: Maximum Rs. 50.00 Lakh
    10. Maximum Loan period: 10 Years

Immovable Property Loan:

An Immovable Property loan or simply mortgage  is a loan used either by purchasers of real property to raise funds to buy real estate, or by existing property owners to raise funds for any purpose while putting a lien on the property being mortgaged. This loan is granted against Regd. mortgage of property.

When taking out a loan a borrower agrees to pay back the full loan amount, as well as any interest (a percentage of the loan amount, usually calculated on an annual basis), by a certain date, typically by making monthly payments.

Documents Required:

    1. Title deeds or title documents are the documents which evidence ownership, whether freehold or leasehold, of any property
    2. Title deeds or title documents are the documents which evidence ownership, whether freehold or leasehold, of any property. 
    3. Allotment Letter.
    4. Tax paid Receipt.
    5. Possession Certificate (if applicable)
    6. Share Certificate.
    7. Revenue records.
    8. Lease cum Sale Deed (BDA)
    9. Conversion Order.
    10. Sale deed / Gift deed / Exchange deed.
    11. Release Deed
    12. Income proof
    13. ITR 3 Years
    14. Salary Slip
    15. Bank Pass Sheet for 1 year
    16. ID, Address Proof
    17. Aadhar Card DL, Pass Port, Voter ID, LPG Bill
    18. Processing fees, Additional Shares, Share Fees, Legal Fees, are applicable as per Sahakari Rules.